From DC Comics, Warner Brothers, and Director Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen), Man of Steel is the latest Superman film to hit theaters, and when I say hit, I truly mean it-- this film packs a punch like only Superman can! Showing audiences the Last Son of Krypton in a different light than usual, the film emphasizes the human side of Kal-El/Clark Kent (Henry Cavill), displaying the struggle between the two halves of his identity: Kal-El, the last hope of a dying planet, and Clark Kent, the boy who was born and raised in Smallville, Kansas.

Jor-El explains to Clark (posthumously) that he believes there is great potential in the superhuman powers Clark possesses. "You will give the people an ideal to strive towards," he tells his son. "They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders." Stuck between the opposite ideals of his father figures, Clark must decide who he wants to become. He must choose between anonymity and his natural gifts.
Of course, the movie isn't all self-discovery... it is a superhero flick after all, and so naturally there's a big bad lurking behind the scenes, plotting away and building the whole movie into a climactic battle. That villain is none other than General Zod.
Played with glistening ire and determination by Michael Shannon, Zod is the corrupt military leader of Krypton, who survived the destruction of his home planet solely because he had been banished for attempting a military coup. He seeks to align himself with Superman and rebuild Krypton over the ashes of Earth, but when Superman refuses his offer, Zod puts himself on the warpath against not only Superman, but anyone and anything that he cares about on Earth. Of course, Superman won't go down without a fight (and what a fight it is!), but I'll let you find out how that goes when you're in the theater. All I'll say is this-- it's a pulse-pounding conclusion that'll have you at the edge of your seat.
Certainly a cut above the average summer movie popcorn flick, Man of Steel is a must-see that could very well end up as the hit of this summer, and maybe even this year. Check it out in theaters starting this Friday, June 14.
Great review. I can't wait to see it.